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HomeLanguage LearningWhat Is a Trope in Writing and Literature?

What Is a Trope in Writing and Literature?

The phrase trope has advanced and expanded in that means over time. Initially it got here from the classical Greek idea of rhetoric—the artwork of efficient communication. Tropes in that context are all of the ways in which a author or speaker can use nonliteral language to get their concepts throughout and evoke the response they need.

Extra not too long ago, nonetheless, the phrase trope has come to explain sure conventions of fictional genres in narratives resembling books, films, and tv exhibits. Understanding each sorts of tropes is helpful for crafting your individual writing in addition to for analyzing and writing about all forms of literature. Let’s discover extra.

What’s a literary trope?

A literary trope is the usage of figurative or metaphorical language (like a determine of speech) for inventive impact. At this time, the phrase trope typically alerts a typical or overused literary machine. The phrase trope (pronounced “trohp”) comes from the Greek phrase tropos, that means a flip or change of course—a trope, within the authentic sense of the phrase, is a turning of language to a brand new use for functions of persuasion or inspiration.

In literature, many tropes use figures of speech—nonliteral language. Figures of speech current concepts to us in a brand new approach, making them vivid or shocking. There are lots of forms of figures of speech. What follows is a listing of a number of of them, with descriptions and examples from literature.


The only sort of determine of speech trope, a simile is a comparability between two not like issues through the use of the phrase like or as. On this quote, Toni Morrison makes use of a simile to match her character Sorrow’s unfamiliarity with dry land to a sheep’s unfamiliarity with water:

Sorrow had by no means set foot on land. It was as overseas to her as ocean was to sheep.” —Toni Morrison, A Mercy


Metaphor additionally suggests a similarity between two dissimilar ideas of objects, however not like simile, it does so with out utilizing like or as. Right here’s one from Emily Dickinson, the place she compares hope to a fowl:

‘Hope’ is the factor with feathers – / That perches within the soul – / And sings the tune with out the phrases – / And by no means stops – in any respect –” —Emily Dickinson, “Hope is the factor with feathers”


In metonymy, one thing is referred to by the title of one thing else that’s carefully related to it. Within the following quote from Robert Frost, the poet makes use of the phrase life to face in for blood in a poem a few boy chopping his hand with a noticed:

The boy’s first outcry was a rueful giggle, / As he swung towards them holding up the hand / Half in enchantment, however half as if to maintain / The life from spilling.” —Robert Frost, “Out, Out—”


An allegory is a sustained metaphor. It’s a story that has each a literal or floor that means and a symbolic one, by which characters, occasions, and settings signify particular individuals, actions, or concepts. Usually, an creator makes use of allegory to touch upon some historic, political, or ethical actuality. One well-known instance of an allegorical work is Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, by which the playwright makes use of a literal story in regards to the seventeenth-century Salem witch trials to signify the abuses of McCarthyism, when the U.S. authorities was punishing individuals accused of being Communists.


Hyperbole is literary exaggeration. In his autobiography, Gabriel García Márquez makes a declare about how lengthy it had been raining in Bogotá when he arrived there that we perceive isn’t actually true, nevertheless it actually communicates what it felt prefer to be there:

At the moment Bogotá was a distant, lugubrious metropolis the place an insomniac rain had been falling for the reason that starting of the sixteenth century.” —Gabriel García Márquez, Residing to Inform the Story


An oxymoron is a determine of speech that appears to contradict itself. The next quote from the seventeenth-century poet and cleric John Donne makes use of two oxymorons: “depressing abundance” and “beggarly riches”:

O depressing abundance, O beggarly riches! How a lot can we lack of getting treatments for each illness, when as but we’ve not names for them?” —John Donne, Devotions Upon Emergent Events

Narrative tropes (e book tropes), with examples

Over time, when figures of speech are used time and again in related contexts, they turn into extra acquainted to individuals and are helpful to a author who needs to sign that they’re working in that context. One other that means for the phrase trope refers to literary gadgets:

These sorts of tropes are helpful for forming a typical language amongst writers, readers, students, and critics. There are specific narrative tropes which are particularly related to particular genres of literature or popular culture, although they’re not essentially restricted to these genres. Listed below are just some examples of narrative tropes related to sure genres of fiction:

  • Crime fiction: the femme fatale, the lone-wolf non-public eye
  • Westerns: black hats for unhealthy guys, white hats for good guys; saloon brawls; gunslinger duels
  • Science fiction: the chosen one character, time journey, power-mad scientists
  • Fairy tales: speaking animals, reversals of fortune, heroic quests

Tropes vs. clichés

At this time, the phrase trope is often used to convey one thing destructive, a synonym for cliché—a story gimmick or conference that has been overused. Whereas it’s true that narrative tropes are generally used lazily or uncreatively to the purpose of cliché, writing that attracts skillfully on tropes can vividly talk a shared level of reference between author and readers. The lesson right here: Don’t be too fast to dismiss narrative tropes as a nasty factor in writing.

Literary tropes FAQs

What are the 2 sorts of literary tropes?

The unique sense of the phrase trope comes from classical rhetoric and refers to a determine of speech, which is a tool resembling a metaphor or metonymy for utilizing language in nonliteral methods.

The second sense of trope refers to themes, motifs, plot gadgets, and storylines that come up repeatedly in a selected sort of literary narrative.

What are determine of speech tropes used for?

Writers and audio system use figures of speech to current acquainted concepts in a brand new approach, making them vivid or shocking.

What are narrative conference tropes used for?

Narrative conference tropes sign a shared vocabulary amongst writers and readers, particularly inside a selected fictional style.

What’s the distinction between a story trope and a cliché?

A story trope is a theme or motif related to a sure sort of cultural type by means of repetition. A cliché is an concept that has turn into worn out by means of overuse.



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